Who can refuse that face? When you think of Barbados it is easy to envision the Royal Westmoreland Resort Barbados or any of the other 5 star Barbados hotels or Barbados holiday rentals sitting alongside beautiful beaches and crystal clear water.
However, this picture is under threat and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations. At Island Villas, giving back to the community is an essential part of the company’s business operations. Every year, the Island Villas team participates in numerous charitable initiatives especially those with an environmental focus.
On Saturday, September 15th, 2012, the Island Villas team was out in force to support the Clean Up Barbados/Clean Up the World initiative in celebration of International Coastal Cleanup Day. Sadly, the marine environment has suffered from the garbage and other material being left on our beaches.
The Island Villas team collected approximately 70 pounds of garbage this weekend alone! Help us combat this and protect our beaches – let us keep Barbados beautiful! More to come on our Day at the Beach this week – stay tuned!
One Response to Keeping Barbados Beautiful – Going beyond the 5 star Barbados Hotels
Island Villas have introduced recycling to all their villas and have a re-cycle station at their office in Holetown for all office, home waste for the building staff. Battaleys Mews has it own recycle station and only uses environmentally friendly cleaning products!