So you’re checking out Barbados home rentals and considering options for your next vacation. The idea of one of the many Barbados villa rentals sounds amazing and you are ready to book immediately. BUT then your conscience kicks in and you think, ‘How can I make my trip more eco-friendly?’
The idea of green travel has grown in popularity recently. Before, when you would think of an eco-friendly trip, images of being one with nature, not showering for days and living off the land would often come to mind. While this may be fun (hey I like camping), it is not always the preferred dream vacation – again, Barbados villa rentals do come to mind.
So how do you combine luxury travel with green principles? Is it possible?
Well, the good news is – things are changing. Consumers are now investigating the companies that they purchase from and asking questions about their corporate social responsibility. In Barbados, Island Villas has been recognised for its commitment to going green – there are recycling bins in most properties and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products is widespread. The company also encourages property owners and guests to participate in numerous initiatives including e-billing, tree planting and energy conservation.
Being on a small island, Island Villas has also pledged its commitment to preserving the marine environment. This weekend the team will be participating in the 27th annual International Coastal Cleanup and hosting a cleanup of a local beach. Everyone is welcome and the team looks forward to seeing you there!
However, if you can’t make it, consider these green questions when planning your next vacation:
– Does the company have a recycling policy?
– Is the company locally staffed? Does it give back to the community?
– What options are there for going green – solar heating, re-use of towels, energy efficient lighting etc.?
There are many other ways in which you can make your vacation a green one. Play your part and go green today!
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